LIGHT TRAVELS | LIG REIS: The launch of a poetry collection — “synergy” features on three levels: 1- THEMES: Synergies emanate from two intersecting themes namely mothering and traveling — the first poem is about traveling to New York City for work while being six months pregnant with my first (only) child — and the last poem was written when she tuned 21 and my travels were motivated by a desire to see my daughter studying abroad.
2- BILINGUALISM: there are 40 English poems with 40 Afrikaans counterparts — these poems stand in synergistic relationship to another — writing in one language shaped the coming to life of the poem in the other language — often they were written simultaneously; 3- FORMAT: The collection is a textual work (printed and digital book) as well as an audiovisual / verbal / performed work, in the form of a collection of Vimeo recordings. The study is executed through the methodology of poetic inquiry, which is closely aligned with evocative auto-ethnography.
October 26, 2020